Wednesday, December 12, 2012

HW10: The Modern Era

Before, men have more opportunities than women. Women are not allowed to join in any politics or to go to school because of the tradition that women is just a support for males and that they are only tied to the house to do households while men are the ones' prioritized because culture dictates that men should be the provider and protector of women. However because the change in culture, our gender roles is also affected.
According to the article by Liza Mundy, in the US, part of the cause of the role-shift was the recession, which has seen more men losing jobs than women. At the same time, in the US and elsewhere, younger women are outstripping men academically and are more likely to enter higher education. Many are graduating and getting higher-paying jobs than men are. But women and men rarely talk about how this is impacting on their lives and their relationships.

In my understanding of her statement, women are more interested in studying compared to men. I think this is because women are now grabbing all the opportunities that will really and finally prove her worth in the society she belongs. Education is the only way to prove it.

Based from a 25-year old engineer interviewed she said, "I think that most of the women I run around with are not necessarily looking for someone who makes a comparable income, but someone who has a comparable education level, or at least comparable ambitions."

For me, I agree with what the woman said because nowadays, many countries are experiencing financial crisis. Because of that, women are looking and needing more intelligent and wise partner who will help her survive whatever it is may come. This simply means that the world tells one to be wise in making decisions and consider not only the heart but also the MIND. Actually, it is a priority or necessity that one must have a good education. In the Philippines, many Filipino families are too large but the parents does not have a good job to sustain the needs of all the family members that is why, many street children are found stealing, asking moneys in outside churches and some who uses drugs. This is also I think is the reason why gender reversals is happening in that it would be more effective if both partners are working. Right now, what our country needs are educated people that would rise up our nation.

Liza also mentioned that others are finding subtle ways to restore an old-fashioned sense of courtship. According to one young Atlanta woman that she also interviewed, she owns a car, while her boyfriend does not. When they go out on dates, she drives to his place, hops out and gets into the passenger seat. "I let him drive my car, hand him the concert tickets, I do little things that make him feel – does this make sense? – like he's in charge … When we get gas, he pumps the gas, but it's my credit card."

This scenario may be compared to the modern courtship in the Philippines. Before, Filipina women are the one being courted through "harana" or serving the parents of the girl. But due to the change in culture, this practices are being change in that there are some women who courts the guy. This may look ugly but it does happen especially if the guy is too shy to express his feelings to the girl, the girl gets embarrassed so she now makes the first move. Actually, I do not accept this because no matter what happens it must always be the guy who courts the girl. On the other hand, this affects the pride of men.

In my point of view, the change in gender roles of men and women give both of them an enlarged sense of purpose and identity. Men in many cases are doing an able and generous-minded job of redefining themselves, expanding the notion of "provider" to mean not just providing economically, but emotionally and logistically. Both gender experiences a new challenging role that enables one to discover more about him/herself and go beyond what is expected of them. In a family setting, the stay-at-home dads are given the chance to get closer to his children while women are grabbing the chance to be recognized.

Since role reversals is already happening,I think the only solution for it to have a good outcome is for men and women to help each other out. Its like they must just do what is right. Gender role reversal is a good thing on both genders if one will look at the reasons deeply on why such happens.