Sunday, December 9, 2012

HW9: Interview Report

As I am working with my paper, I found some limitations in my research study. Although my resources provide sufficient information regarding my topic, I still need to confirm those data. In order to satisfy these necessities, I conducted an interview to some adults and anime fans. All of the interviews were conducted through internet which lasted for about 10-15 minutes. 

The summary of the interviews are the following: 

1. What can you say about women protecting men in anime? 

In this question, 9 out of 12 said that women protecting men is rare in real life but it happens given the right circumstances . They said that it can be a motivating factor for women in real life do the impossible and protect the men. 

2. As a man/woman, do you agree with the changes happening among the gender roles?Why or why not? How does it affect you? 

In this question, 2 out of 6 men did not agree for it affects his pride and masculinity. On the other hand, the 4 agreed because according to them, it is somehow nice that they give authority to women becoz there are things men can do that woman can.Also, it adds point to their masculinity. 

From the 6 women interviewed, 5 out of 6 women agreed that the role reversals today lift their spirits up. It was an awakening for women that women can also do some things that men can. They are given the chance to prove that women can live without men. In terms of security, many women are also police and military officers whoe are even higher ranked than some male officers. On the other hand, interviewee #2 did not agree because women is too fragile to be the one protecting men. 

3. What do you think are the similarities between gender role reversals in anime and in our society? 

From the 12 persons interviewed, 1 out of 6 women and none of the men did not find any similarities. On the other hand,the rest did come up with the same observation. According to them, both genders are treated equally. Both are capable of doing the works in opposite gender. 

4. What do you think will be the outcome if such change continues? Can it truly change our tradition? How did you say so? 

In this question, majority answered that the outcome is simple. We would never look at a woman the same way we look to them ever again.. As for our traditions, it would change drastically in a way that would greatly affect our lives forever like households, jobs, value, and everything will change in some way or another. Based from the answers gathered, I found out that although there are still some who does not agree with the changes, generally it is still accepted now in the Philippines. Another thing I have founded out is that role reversals does empower women for it only shows that women can also do something for our society. They can be a mother and at the same time could also be a leader.

On the other hand, I have founded out that role reversal does not really affect the machismo image of man even though it affects somehow. The reason is that giving authority to women is a part of their masculinity. 

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