Thursday, October 25, 2012

Tradition is Hard to Break

Do relationships with converted gender roles survive? There will always be some type of challenge, but is it possible to restructure life in roles that is in opposite with the traditional practice? Women has much responsibilities compared to men when they are at home because normally, it is the wife who wakes up early in the morning, cooked breakfast for her family, wake the kids up to get ready for school while she is also getting ready for her work. These are some of the many responsibilities that working wives shoulders.

In the article The Survival of Relationships with the Gender Roles Reversed according to statistics professor Carol Nicely, sometimes a woman will let the man sit around the house, and have the benefit of a double income household while contributing no more themselves (Hart). She also said that Evolution and biology may explain why there is usually some type of non-equality in our roles which she finds as the reason why some women state that once in the breadwinner position, she is resentful. 

One probable cause of a "broken" family scenario is due to lack of communication between the couples. In my understanding of Professor Carol Nicely's view, problems arise when a woman becomes the breadwinner while the man sit around the house because sometimes men are lacking in taking up with the household duties, or the wife instinctively feels it is necessary for her to be responsible for the family and shelter aspects of life which gives extra burden on the part of the woman. Of course, it is the woman who knows more of the household duties which would require a lot of adjustment for the man. 

She also said that being in the more submissive role and out of the leadership position can cause an emotional conflict for the male gender to feel weaker especially if they are in a relationship with an alpha woman. 

Men are always been known to dominate when it comes to strength and performing feminine duties can have psychological effects on men because they are going to perform things which they are not usually fond of doing. They would have a new image in the society.

Making Adjustments

To make adjustments that go against every natural instinct can be difficult to attain for men. People tend to make assumptions about the stay-at-home dad, that they may be homosexual by taking on the original female role, or that they refuse to work. They also may receive judgment or resentment from other mothers, for they are the outsider in the group. 

Well I think if someone is adjusting for something, one cannot really escape from being looked at. Like for males wherein from being the breadwinner, some ended as a stay-at-home dads. For me there is really nothing wrong for a man to stay at home while women works for the family because at the end of the day, what is important is that a man still ends with his family. As long as the man is there standing up with and for the family no one has the right to defy them because that what makes a REAL man. Sometimes whenever I see my friends and their dads, I feel happy because they have their dads supporting them with everything. 

Some feel a sense of entitlement to superiority when they control the finances. This occurs in both male and female entities. In households where the gender roles have shifted, the woman being served all her meals and no requirements of work at home can view her spouse as a servant to her needs since she is no longer a part of them. 

Based from Ph. D. Karen Gail Lewis, "a wife may be initially drawn to a man because he is nurturing and willing to do this, but can later look weak and inadequate." With the new role, the woman can end up looking down upon her mate. Well, this scenario is already expected to happen to anyone. Of course if a person is gaining recognition in the environment where she/he belongs, it is also expected of them to be arrogant in some way which is also happens in a family set-up between the couple.

With the downturn of the economy for the US, many of these gender role reversals are being created. In the article, "Males are accounted for about 75% of the 2008 decline in employment among prime-working-age individuals (U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, 2009). Many of the employment fields like construction or building houses are saturated with men, forcing them into the position on the other side of the relationship when there is no work for them.

Adjustment is really a factor to preserve a relationship. Although this might be uncomfortable, most are able to be successful in readjusting to their new schedule, activities, and duties.


Communication between partners is also a very important factor which enables couples to engage what is necessary to adapt to a new situation. An open communication will lead into a good understanding between the couples because they are being opened to each other and if this will be the case, then conflicts in the family will be avoided. 

In all reality, if we have the ability to make it so, we choose our own paths. Sometimes when women are in the leadership role, they may take a completely different path in life. No situation is exactly alike, however our predisposition to societal values of a gender show that when the roles are swapped, there is an exploration and extension of oneself. Most couples succeed with a reversal with understanding from communication between each other. This communication gives them more equality in terms of respect, understanding, and closeness in the relationship. When the roles are reversed and cast upon a couple, instinctual survival allows the counterparts of the relationship to adjust accordingly to their new lives.

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